City Contemporary Art

20 Charlotte Street, Perth, PH1 5LL

Philip Braham RSA

Painting enables me to make sense of the world: not just of the natural world around me, but also my psychological response to experiences that unfold in time and influence my perception of the world. Fidelity to this experience is at the very heart of my paintings, and these are crafted with care to accurately depict a particular place at a particular moment, while simultaneously carrying an emotional charge that may be recognised by the viewer through the painting. My paintings are realistic, but not Photorealist or Hyperrealist because they are not merely rational or mechanical representations. Rather, their fidelity is to the range of sensory impressions stirred by the scene and realised through the slippery material of oil paint on canvas. The process of painting and reflecting is revelatory, but what is disclosed in a good painting will alter as our life unfolds, so meaning is never fully unconcealed.

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Philip Braham RSA