City Contemporary Art

City Contemporary Art Logo Square2

20 Charlotte Street, Perth, PH1 5LL

CCA News

All the latest news and updates from City Contemporary Art.

Fee Dickson Reid - 'Bright Seas, Dark Forests'
‘The Room’, our dedicated solo-show space presents the acclaimed artist’s latest paintings.  A beautiful show of landscapes and not to be missed.  All Welcome.   
CCA News
CCA 'Summer Show'
Our Summer mixed show features new work by artists:  Nael Hanna, Adrian Wiszniewski, Fiona Haldane, Jonathan Shearer, Greer Ralston, Karen Strang, Garry Harper, Philip Braham, Nichola Martin, Ewan John and Jonathan Mitchell. All Welcome.
CCA News
Show title:  ‘Into the Light’Pic title:  ‘Final Flourish’Dates:  Opening June 11th – July 10th. ‘The Room’, our dedicated solo-show space features the latest floral and figurative paintings and drawings by Glasgow School of Art graduate and highly acclaimed artist Greer Ralston. This is a beautiful show and is not to
CCA News
We are delighted to be representing the Internationally acclaimed artist Frances Law here in our Charlotte Street gallery.  These beautiful paintings from her ‘Shell’ series, are not to be missed.20 Charlotte Street, Perth PH1 5LL.  p. 01738 440888  m. 07748 600130All Welcome
CCA News
Adrian Wiszniewski - ' Recent Works'
Show opens Saturday 2nd April – Sunday 1st May ‘The Room’, our dedicated solo-show space features Internationally acclaimed artist Adrian Wiszniewski’s show of recent works.  Beautiful paintings and drawings by a legend of contemporary fine art. All welcome. 
CCA News