Fiona Matheson
As an award-winning established artist, contemporary, expressive landscapes unmistakably capture the uncompromising essence of Scotland. Colourful paintings pay homage to the Scottish homeland and welcome you in, inviting you to be part of my visual journey which embraces the history, culture and traditions which thrive throughout the highlands and beyond. I exhibit widely and work is held in global private collections. Seeing work hung outside the studio in a different context is rewarding.
I paint each day in oil, acrylic and mixed media. Experimental mark-making and creative use of materials is derived from my early training. To combine this approach with the imagery of my surroundings can be unpredictable and challenging.
I am often quoted as saying ” Let the materials do the work “. Each painting is made from several layers of colour, often working on more than one piece at a time.
” The process is as exciting as the outcome…..always looking for visual elements that interest me which build up in my subconsciousness like a visual sketchbook “
The progress of my artwork has constantly evolved and developed through experimentation, responding to feedback and through sustained execution. I learn from the reaction of others, to move on and push new boundaries.